Siebzigtausend (Seventy Thousand), 2012

Concept for the unity and freedom monument, Leipzig, together with Annabau, Architektur und Landschaft Berlin, contest 1st place. Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz, Leipzig.

The striking peak of the peaceful revolution was the demonstration on October 9, 1989 in Leipzig. About 70 000 demonstrators took part in the march around the city ring. The characteristic of peaceful cohension of the revolting crowd and the plurality of their personalities is the fundamental starting point of the project.

The concept Seventy Thousand intends a giant rectangular area of 70 000 color fields covering the Wilhelm-Leuschner-Platz am Ring in Leipzig. It initially consits of 70 000 individual box-shaped pedestals, that can be taken out of the vast number; each one barely big enough to stand on it. This way the monument in form of a pedestal immerses flexibly into the urban space, private spaces and spreads even beyond Leipzig. Each cube represents an achieved opportunity to further on speak freely, not only symbolically, but very specifically.

By gradually picking up and taking home pedestals slowly a identical color pattern made of 70 000 ceramic surfaces in the indentation will be revealed. Only scattered objects will remain on this extensive rectangle. They can be used as speakers` podium or as a place to sit. Just like the pedestals for the individual, the square itself will be a space for discussions and actions for the community. During the first year speeches and musicseries are planned, to introduce the square as a forum for social and cultural activities.
